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Volume 4 Number 5

Too many people in the general public continue to think that teaching is a job that anyone can do. Wrong! Teaching is a special calling. Teaching is a mission.
Overworked and Under- appreciated - A Tribute to Teachers...
Overworked and Under-appreciated - A Tribute to Teachers by Don Quimby
Learning Simulations Add to Classroom Lessons by Lanny Sorenson
14 Steps to Teacher Assertiveness - How to cope with difficult parents, principals and staff members by Mike Moore
Early Years Are Learning Years - Learning through Water Play from: National Association for the Education of Young Children
Pupil Personality Profile by P R Guruprasad
End of Year Gift Ideas for Young Students from the Teachers.Net Kindergarten Chatboard
Millionaires Receive Tax Break While More Children Enter Poverty fromThe Children's Defense Fund
Eating Disorders: A Multi-Discipline Approach to the Kate Moss "Wispy Waif " Syndrome by Dr. Catherine Sagan
Editor's epicks for May by Kathleen Alape Carpenter
A Note To Young Immigrants by Mitali Perkins
Ladybug Poems and Activities from the Teachers.Net Community
A Step by Step Writing Guide for Students - Writing About a Character (Fourth Grade) by Barbara D. Martin
May Columns
May Regular Features
May Informational Items
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Learning Centers (Grades K-4 )
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Primary Literacy Centers : Making Reading and Writing Stick!
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Teacher Feature...

End of Year Gift Ideas for Young Students

from the Teachers.Net Kindergarten Chatboard

Heather posted;

Do you give your students anything at the end of the year? I would appreciate any ideas.
Thanks so much!!!

Lisa in MD responded:
I give them a cupful of goodies. Here are a few versions I have saved:

A Cup of Goodies Just for You!
This little cup of goodies is to you from me with lots of love. Inside I have put some treats for you to use this summer!

A piece of sidewalk chalk (be sure to ask your parents where it's okay to draw!)

A Band-Aid for one of those summer ouches!

Hugs and Kisses for those times you need them!

A pencil and eraser so you can practice writing.

A postcard with my address so you can write to me and let me know how you are!

A *SUPER STAR*1st grader coupon- bring this to me next year for a dig in the treasure chest!

Subject: Graduation Goody Bag
Here's an idea for an end of the year gift bag to give to students from teachers. We're giving it to our graduating preschool students at graduation. It's in The Mailbox magazine Kindergarten June/July 2000, but I got it off of The Mailbox website in the sample page section. There is a page to Xerox with both the poem to go on the outside and the note to go on the inside of the bags.

This is the poem from Mailbox:

In this bag you will find some things
That hold the key to what your future brings.
It is with great sadness that I watch you depart
Because you have a special place in my heart.

(from Mailbox Magazine June/July 2000

To make one bag, duplicate the poem and note. Glue the poem to the outside of a paper lunch bag and then sign the bag. Next, place the note inside the bag with the following items: a ruler, a handful of Hershey Kisses, a pencil, a marker, a penny, and an eraser.

The poem on the outside says:

In this bag you will find some things
That hold the key to what your future brings.
It is with great sadness that I watch you depart
Because you have a special place in my heart.

The note that goes inside says:

A [ruler] to remind you that there are always rules to follow.
[Hershey Kisses] to remind you that you are loved.
A [pencil] to remind you that there are still many things to learn.
A [marker] to remind you to leave a good mark wherever you go.
A [penny] to remind you to use good sense.
An [eraser] to remind you that it's all right to make mistakes.

Cindy in FL responded:
I have found that a great place to get end of year gifts for my students is Jo Ann Fabrics! They have neat summer toys/games, and by the end of the year, have them discounted to 60-75%, especially good if you watch for their coupons or flyers! Last year I did the Mailbox poem, and it was sweet. I always include little books for them to keep (BLM's and trade books). I also write each one a personal note in their scrapbook. It's my thank you note to each child, telling why they are so special and some of the things each child has done that will make me always remember them!

KBiKY responded:
I just started giving a gift last year. I went to Dollar Tree and found soft plastic cameras that squirted water through the lens when you squeezed them! They were a big hit!

LisaL responded:
I always give a book. I get a 95 cents book from Scholastic.

Sometimes I am even lucky enough to be able to use bonus points.

tchrprek responded:
No, I do not give the students anything except that I wish them a happy summer and send a nice letter home to the parents thanking them for everything and on the last day or the day before I give them all a popsicle.

Djinn/CA responded:
I take pictures with my digital cameral all year long and then make a montage for each student. This year I purchased the Kindergarten Memory Book from Kinderlit and they will get this at the end of the year.

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