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The Turkey and the Pumpkin by Artie Knapp
Offered FREE to Teachers.Net Gazette readers, a printable version of Artie Knapp’s story The Turkey and the Pumpkin, the tale of a young turkey who escapes the farm before being “carved up” and meets a pumpkin who dreams of being carved into a happy Jack-O-Lantern.
Children's Author Artie Knapp was born in Chillicothe, Ohio, in 1973. A library bearing his name is featured on the internationally acclaimed kids site Artie’s children’s literature has appeared in such publications as DLTK Kids, Humpty Dumpty’s Magazine, Lincoln Kids, The California Kids Newspaper, The Labradorian, Kids Turn Central and The Cincinnati Enquirer to name a few. He is a member of The Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators, and graduated from Ohio University. Artie lives in Cincinnati, Ohio with his wife Priya. To learn more about Artie Knapp and his work, please visit his site
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