Thanks to the creativity and generosity of the Teachers.Net community, we offer the following printables for educators to use with their students. Just click and print!
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Carol Goodrow's Kids Running Printables
Carol Goodrow
These Kids Running Printables were written to accompany teacher Carol Goodrow's children's book Kids Running: Have Fun, Get Faster & Go Farther. These can be used with the book or they can stand alone. All of Carol Goodrow's books were written to encourage children to stay healthy and fit. The activities are used in her after-school Happy Feet, Healthy Food Kids' Club. For more printables, please visit her Web site at
- Laces, to encourage children to wear well-tied shoes when exercising and to have them create inspirational mottoes.
- Squeezy Squirrel, a jump-rope rhyme, to encourage children to exercise throughout the year and to have them practice writing the
months of the year.
- Box-stacle, a running game activity, to encourage children to run and play by completing a kid-made box-stacle course and to have them write and read along the way.
Squeezy Squirrel
May-June 2009 Calendar
May - June calendar
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