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Mizletts' 3-D Snowflake Craft Project
Regular feature in the Gazette
January 1, 2008 |
Each month, Teachers.Net brings you the best of our community, lesson plans, craft ideas, songs and chants, and more. This month, from the January, 2003 Gazette, one of our most requested craft project ideas ever - the 3D Snowflake cut-out project, contributed by long-time T-Netter Mizletts.
Make 3 cuts on the single fold
toward the 2 folded sides
staying 1" away from
the edge and about 1" apart.
This completes one cell, like this.
Make 5 more cells the same as described above. Glue or staple the ends of 3 cells together. Do the same with the other 3 cells. Then glue or staple those ends together facing opposite directions. Then glue or staple all sides together at the middle. Punch a hole in one point, add string.
Here is a picture of a completed snowflake.

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January, 2008


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