Each month Marjan Glavac, professional speaker, teacher and co-author of "How To Thrive And Survive In Your Classroom", presents The Busy Educator's Monthly Five -- five websites for educators that are easy to read, simple to use and worthwhile to know.
Sign up for his free monthly Busy Educator’s Newsletter at:
Here’s a great place for all school-based speech-language pathologists and teachers (regular and special education) to exchange tips, techniques, and materials that improve communication skills in students. Features include interactive message boards on a wide variety of topics, such as: THIS WORKS FOR ME! (read and post great ideas, lesson plans, motivators, and more), HIGHLY RECOMMENDED (post favorite books, materials, software, websites, and conferences, etc, or ask about materials before you buy), TECH TIPS (tips for successful computing and use of assistive technology), HELP LINE (seek and give advice on sticky problems),HOT TOPICS (sound off on a different issue each month), MATERIALS EXCHANGE (download all kinds of great teacher/ therapist-made materials for your class or caseload), and SHARE A SMILE (anecdotes that remind us why we do what we do) and more.

FT Science and Technology Exploring is a creative award winning site that explores energy and basic science principles in nature and human technology. The articles are carefully researched, accurate, easy to understand, and in addition to providing good basic explanations, the creative thought provoking approach helps to generate an interest in science and technology.
There are sections on: photosynthesis and energy in nature; Super bugs which uses simple geometry and physics to reveal the truth about the so-called super feats of ants and fleas Know-it-all tortoise; Dr. Galapagos provides careful, humorous, and insightful answers to science questions, pages on whales and dolphins; a section on the taxonomy of cetaceans used by educators to introduce taxonomy to biology students and some very unique pages providing a unique perspective of engineering and technology.

Carl Rungius, one of America's finest wildlife artists, was fascinated with composition throughout his career. What can we learn from him about the art of composition? Introduce yourself to the animated principles of art, then create your own composition online and submit it to the Critique Gallery for review!

This site includes over a thousand links to education homepages and individual online lessons, all categorized for easy access. Student topics include listening, speaking, reading, vocabulary, writing, grammar, civics, and TOEFL/GED/SAT/Citizenship test preparation; teachers will find lesson prep, methods/materials, units, and main education/ESL resources. The reference desk includes links to other resources of interest to immigrants and teachers.

The National Geographic for Kids web site supports and extends the classroom magazine for children in grades 3-6. The site allows children to further explore topics and themes found in the magazine in a fun, safe, online environment. Visitors will find a host of interactive fun, facts and features such as engaging articles, quiz games, silly science movies, online adventures and scavenger hunts, contests, e-postcards, and more. The site also includes resources for educators, including a downloadable version of the teachers guide and web links for each feature article.

P.S. To learn more about Marjan Glavac's
The Busy Educator's Newsletter, go to:
www.thebusyeducator.com OR e-mail at:
"There are no boundaries for the journeys of the mind."

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About Marjan Glavac...

Marjan Glavac (BA, BEd, MA) is a professional speaker, teacher and author. He is a full time classroom teacher with 25 years teaching experience. He has taught and continues to teach students from the inner city, students with emotional/behavioral disorders, ESL, and IEP students. He is an international speaker and workshop presenter.
Marjan is the author of 3 books: The Busy Educator’s Guide To The World Wide Web 1st Edition, and 2nd Edition, and How To Make A Difference: Inspiring Students To Do Their Best, the creator of one of the Internet’s longest running free teacher monthly newsletters: The Busy Educator’s Newsletter (1998) and co-author of "How To Thrive And Survive In Your Classroom".
Since 1993, Marjan has been involved in dozens of telecommunications projects involving students from K-University on every continent of the world. His K-8 students have also participated in e-mail, travel buddy, research projects and polishing mirrors for the NASA Starshine project. He and his classes have been filmed by TVO and Global's Kids-TV; featured in all local media - newspapers, TV, radio, as well as nationally in Reader's Digest, Toronto Star, Globe & Mail, Today's Parent, Home and Educational Computing and internationally on WGN and NPR radio, websites and dozens of student newspapers worldwide.
Marjan is currently a gr.6 home room teacher at Wilfrid Jury Public School in London, Ontario, Canada where he resides with his wife and two children. For more information about Marjan Glavac, his books, keynotes, training and seminars, visit him at his site at http://www.thebusyeducator.com

Marjan Glavac Columns on Teachers.Net...
- Marilyn Western's Technology Tips For Classroom Teachers, Interactive Activities For French/Spanish/German/Welsh Teachers And Learners, Deafblind Info: Minnesota's Deafblindness Resource, Thinkport (Teachers And Parents), and The Los Angeles County Museum Of Art "Collections Online" (June 09)
- College Prep Physics, Ap Physics B, The Art Window (Gr. 4-12), World History And Geography (Gr. 9-12), and The Thoreau Reader (Teachers) (May 09)
- Iloveschools.Com, Real English Online, Classroom Displays And Bulletin Boards K-8, Pbs Parents: Struggling To Learn (Parents And Teachers), Reach Every Child (K-12) (Apr. 09)
- Ultrabug Cliposcope, World Myths & Legends In Art Minneapolis Institute Of Arts, The Tree: A Graphic Organizer For Expository Paragraphs And Summaries, Trading Around The World, and Where In The World And What In The World Is Money? (Mar. 09)
- The Artist's Toolkit: Visual Elements And Principles, The Fin, Fur And Feather Bureau Of Investigation, Calliope, Muse Of Eloquence, Teachers Without Borders, Shedd Educational Adventures (Sea) John G. Shedd Aquarium (Feb. 09)
- Brainsarefun, Ariel's Homepage, Scott L. Waldman's Technology Workshop, Learn To Write...Free Tracing Paper, Marie's Free Spelling Course (Jan. 09)
- Make hand washing fun & effectiveness; Native American arts exhibit online; The Teacher List; English for Spanish speakers; Test your brain with an online police artist drawing device (Dec. 08)
- Literacy Volunteer Connection, Computer Science & Business Education Site, How Stuff Works, Postcards From America, Monetary Mania Social Studies Web Adventure (Nov. 08)
- www Virtual Library: International Affairs Resources, Biomedia, Schoolweb.se, Anacleta's Spanish & World Language/Culture Links, Behind The Name (Oct. 08)
- Addressing learning difficulties; Teacher resource; All things Science; Games and writing skills help; Secondary level English lesson plans (Sept. 08)
- Speaking Of Speech.Com, Flying Turtle Science And Technology Exploring, and more (Aug. 08)
- Human Space Flight, Genetic Science Learning Center, and more (July 08)
- web-based Ghost Towns, games, topical tutorials, and more (May 08)
- Writing, Genealogy, Soil, and more (April 08)
- Miscellaneous Sites (Mar. 08)
- Art Sites (Feb. 08)
- Miscellaneous Sites (Jan. 08)
- Back to School Sites (Aug. 03)
- Language Arts Sites Part 3 (July 03)
- Language Arts Sites Part 2 (June 03)
- Language Arts Sites Part 1 (May 03)
- English As a Second Language (ESL) Sites (Apr. 03)
- Art Sites (Mar. 03)
- College and University Sites (Feb. 03)
- Sites for School Principals and High School Teachers (Jan. 03)
- Sites For Grades 7 to 8 (Dec. 02)
- Sites For Grades 4 to 8 (Nov. 02)
- Primary Sites Grades Pre-K to 3 (Oct. 02)
- Primary Sites Grades Pre-K to 3 (Sept. 02)
- Back to School (Aug. 02)
- Sites For Beginning Teachers Part 2 (Jult 02)
- Sites For Beginning Teachers Part 1 (June 02)
- Theme Sites Part 2 (May 02)
- Theme Sites Part 1 (Apr. 02)
- Lesson Planning Sites Part 6 (Mar. 02)
- Lesson Planning Sites Part 5 (Feb. 02)
- Lesson Planning Sites Part 4 (Jan. 02)
- Lesson Planning Sites Part 3 (Dec. 01)
- Five For Lesson Planning (pt 2) (Nov. 01)
- Five For Lesson Planning (Sept. 01)

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