Teachers.Net Gazette Vol.6 No.4 | April 2009 |
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Contributed by the Teachers.Net Community Regular Feature April 1, 2009 |
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Happy Earth Day Children celebrate the Earth's Day with this upbeat song piggy backed on the traditional "Happy Birthday" tune. They could sing to a globe or depiction of the earth, or each might hold his or her own small inflatable globe (available from Oriental Trading Company).
Reducing the amount of waste and trash, reusing rather than discarding, and recycling materials in order to cut down on consumption of resources, are all integral to the Earth Day theme. The song is piggy backed on the tune "The More We Get Together." Children could use the circular hand-around-hand gesture (the motion used when singing "This old man came rolling home," also the signal used to call traveling in basketball) as they sing the word "recycle."
We've Got the Whole World In Our Hands This traditional song is especially appropriate for use during Earth Day theme activities. Children can pick up individual globes to hold up while singing "We've got the whole world in our hands," or pass around an inflatable globe. (Oriental Trading Company sells small inflatable globes for a reasonable amount.) Other props might include baby dolls for the "tiny babies." Use hand gestures indicating everybody "here" and everybody "there." Note: Repeating a relatively short song is effective, especially when performing for others, providing more opportunity for participation by the performers and more prolonged entertainment for the audience. Consider inviting audience participation for a second round of singing! We've Got the Whole World In Our Hands
My students keep these in folders in their desks. When I am editing their stories, I can write a code above the misspelled word (like V1 if they missed the word vanilla). These portable word walls are miniature versions of the poster-sized cards which go around my classroom. Oftentimes the children do better with near-point copying so the portable word walls are very popular with the students. They also work no matter where the child is sitting in the classroom and they can carry them home, or have an extra portable word wall for home.
Contributed by Carol Goodrow
Bringing Choices to Light Lessons Pack A free, 17 page printable packet of national standards-based lessons created by GE to engage beginner to intermediate and advanced students with in-school at at-home projects about lighting choices and conservation. Visit GE Lighting for more information. Bringing Choices to Light Lessons Pack
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