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Volume 2 Number 1

This month Harry Wong sings the praises of the intrepid, forever under-appreciated classroom teacher.
Effective Teaching by Harry Wong
Promoting Learning by Marv Marshall
Alfie Kohn Article
Jan Fisher Column
4 Blocks by Cheryl Sigmon
School Psychologist by Beth Bruno
BCL Classroom by Kim Tracy
Handle with Care
Parents' Eyeview
30 Years After Man Stepped On the Moon
Advanced Educational Technology
Attention Deficit Disorder
Benefits of the Sight Impaired in Your Class
Musical Plays for Timid Teachers
NBPTS: Portfolio Thoughts
Sources for Cheap Books
Interview: Nancy Salsman
Cardboard Houses to Curricular Concepts
New Teacher Induction Workshop
Web News & Events
Upcoming Ed Conferences
Letters to the Editor
New in the Lesson Bank
Humor from the Classroom
Help Wanted - Teaching Jobs
Gazette Back Issues
Gazette Home Delivery:

Send Us Your Web News...

Have a teacher news story or announcement you'd like to see published on our Web News column? Send it to us at and we'll include it in an upcoming issue of the gazette.

Latino Education Conference

The Third Annual Latino Education Conference will be held May 6-8, 2001 at Bally's Hotel and Casino in Atlantic City, New Jersey. This year's theme is "Critical Issues Affecting Latino Educational Achievement in the 21st Century."

Invited keynote speakers include Dr. Samuel Betances of the University of Chicago, Sara Martinez Tucker, President Hispanic Scholarship Fund and Dr. Carlos Hernandez, President, New Jersey City University.

For registration call (973) 484-7554, via e-mail at or via the web page at

All workshops are approved and accredited for New Jersey teachers to receive certification towards their professional development hourly requirements.

This Month's Cool Site

One of the greatest features of the Internet is the ability to interact with people of all nations and cultures. Unfortunately, our explorations of other countries and peoples is often interrupted by language barriers. Now, there is a way you can quickly translate words and phrases across dozens of languages. Check out this month cool sites, listed in the Teachers.Net Reference Desk, under language tools:


  • Alta Vista's Babel Fish
  • InterTran(tm) (625 language pairs)!
  • travlang's Translating Dictionaries


  • Teacher News & Events From The Web....
    November Teacher News from the Web:

    News From the Teachers.Net Community


  • Laurie/AR due Dec. 22
  • Mim due Dec. 22
  • ika due January
  • Shelley/Manitoba due in April
  • hana due May
  • kris/Australia due in spring
  • kdw due in spring
  • Melly due in spring
  • Stewart, father to be, in spring
  • Diet Coke/Ohio- due July 4th

    1-2:  SarahW2/3/TX
    1-4:  martinbird
    1-5:  Beverly/1
    1-9:  Dale D
    1-12:  Bob R/CA
    1-13:  Kathleen (Kat), Lin, Sara/k/Tx
    1-15:  Cisco-s, n2kids
    1-17:  Peachy/k/NC
    1-19:  Lauri/HS math
    1-23:  Jackieb
    1-24:  lm/music/sd
    1-25:  Mary R, Sandy/RR/PA
    1-26:  judy/wv
    1-27:  JT
    1-28:  Lori5/6KS

    To announce your wedding, births, or other news to the Teachers.Net community, email the announcement to

    The Planetary Society Announces for 2001, a Space Art Odyssey

    Mars has beckoned for centuries, inspiring mythology, science fiction and now an International Space Art Contest. The Planetary Society invites participants of all ages worldwide to draw what Mars would look like if one were standing on the planet's surface.

    The contest is held in conjunction with The Planetary Society's Red Rover Goes to Mars Training Mission where Student Scientists are to select a suitable landing site on Mars to which Earth might one day send a Mars sample return mission. Art contest entrants must depict what such a landing site on Mars for a robotic spacecraft might look like at ground level -- both now and a century hence.

    "The art contest reminds us that planetary exploration isn't just for 'rocket scientists.' People of all ages who are imaginative and artistically inclined can participate," said Linda Kelly, Education Manager of the Red Rover Goes to Mars project.

    Contest entries must be done by hand - no computers allowed - and may be drawn, painted, or otherwise artistically depicted in a two-dimensional image (no sculptures). Participants must imagine a suitable landing site for a sample return mission that could be sent to Mars in the near future. Artists can depict a spacecraft in the picture, but it is not required. A second illustration of the same site in one hundred years must also be submitted, as well as a brief written description of the drawings.

    Winners will be selected in three age categories: 10 and under, 11 to 18, and over 18 years of age. Artwork will be judged on creativity, knowledge of Mars, and artistic merit.

    The deadline for submissions is April 2, 2001. Entries must be submitted to Red Rover Goes to Mars Regional and National Centers. A list of Regional and National Centers and complete rules for entry are available at the Society's website at or by writing to International Space Art Contest, c/o The Planetary Society, 65 N Catalina Avenue, Pasadena, California, USA 91106.

    The number of national finalists and special merit honorable mention winners will depend on the number and quality of the entries received. International first, second and third place winners will be selected in each age category. The best art from each nation will also receive recognition. Winning artwork will be included on a CD-ROM and displayed at prominent space science institutions around the world. Other prizes include gift certificates, memberships in the Planetary Society, and more.

    The artwork by the three first prize winners (one from each age category) will be posted on The Planetary Society's website in August 2001 for the public to vote for their favorite Mars terrain picture. Their votes will determine the Grand Prize winner whose art will be featured on the cover of the International Space Art Contest CD-ROM.

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