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Volume 4 Number 2

When it comes to using their own money to purchase classroom materials and supplies, teachers have pockets deeper than Captain Kangaroo's...
Apple Seeds: Inspirational quotes by Barb Erickson
Special Days This Month by Ron Victoria
Classroom Photos by Members of the Teachers.Net Community
February Poem
Winter Memories
The Lighter Side of Teaching
  • Goose the Substitute Teacher by Goose
  • YENDOR'S Top Ten
  • Schoolies
  • Woodhead
  • Handy Teacher Recipes
    Classroom Crafts
    Help Wanted - Teaching Jobs
    Recipe for Friends from the Lesson Bank
    Sentence Builder
    Meet the Feet!
    Reading Contract
    Upcoming Ed Conferences
    Letters to the Editor
    Why Be a Teacher? by smagee/k/tx
    I am feeling soooo good about this... by Tina
    Do you keep track of how you come to think the way you do? by Roger Fuller
    Why Can't We Clone Great Teachers? by Dave
    February Columns
    February Articles
    February Informational Items
    Gazette Home Delivery:


    You need Adobe Acrobat Reader to open these files. If you don't have it, get it here - Adobe Acrobat Reader - Download

    Sentence Builder

    from Mary Miehl

    After printing, cut the cells apart and sort them by color. The word cards can be used to play a small group game or as an individual activity. The/Each child selects one word from each color and assembles a sentence. The colors follow the same sequence, Green, Red, Orange, Aqua, Navy (GROAN). The cards are turned over so the words can't be seen before hand and the colors are in separate piles. The child reads the sentence and tells if it makes sense and sounds right. The children can write the sentences if the teacher wants them to have some handwriting practice.

    The cards will be more durable if they are printed on card stock.


    click the image for the printable file

    Meet the Feet!

    from Kathleen Carpenter


    click the image for the printable file

    Reading Contract

    from Ellen Gabor

    When I used this with my 5th & 6th graders, we used the entire Right to Read Week as an opportunity for kids to read as much as possible. Then on Friday of that week, we allowed them to have an all day Readathon in order to complete their contract. Also, during that week, we did not assign any homework. Because of that week, I had many students realize the joy of reading.


    click the image for the printable file


    from Ali Lowe

    This is a two page printable. The first page explains the assignment and the second page is the scoring rubric.


    click the image for the printable file

    Gazette Printables:
