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Promoting Learning...

by Dr. Marvin Marshall

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This article was printed from Teachers.Net Gazette,
located at http://teachers.net.

Approaches of Outstanding Teachers

Reflection and Approaches of outstanding teachers

Reflection has a number of attributes. At the top of the list is that reflection prompts gratitude--which is the key to both happiness and goodness.

In learning, reflection reinforces what we want to remember. This is the reason that I encourage teachers to use some strategy such as "Think, Pair, Share" at the conclusion of every lesson. To use "brain terminology," reflection makes temporary memory more permanent by strengthening neural connections.

Kerry--a teacher in British Columbia who explores the use of internal approaches to inspire students to learn--reflected on the teachers who had taught her over the course of her own schooling.

She shared with me some attributes of her own outstanding teachers--those who clearly stood out in her memory as effective and inspiring.

What characteristics did these educators share?

They had cultivated personal bonds with students by:

They had held high expectations for students by:

They had employed best teaching practices:

Use a little reflection now. Ask yourself the following question:

"If you were a student, would you want yourself as a teacher?"

If you hesitate in your answer, reflect on Kerry's list. For your own benefit, you may discover an area you may wish to improve--aside from the benefits your students will receive.

Ideas for implementing the discipline system that promotes both responsibility and learning using concepts of Stephen Covey (proaction), William Glasser (noncoercion), W. Edwards Deming (collaboration and empowerment) and Abraham Maslow (hierarchy and autonomy) is described at http://www.MarvinMarshall.com

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Dr. Marvin Marshall: http://www.MarvinMarshall.com

© Marvin Marshall, 2003

This printable version is provided for the convenience of individuals.
Reproduction of multiple copies requires permission from editor@teachers.net.
