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The Eclectic Teacher...

by Ginny Hoover

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This article was printed from Teachers.Net Gazette,
located at http://teachers.net.

Ginny's List for Going Back to School
  1. Check out teachers.net/gazette/AUG02/hoover.html for last year's list of 10! And then add...
  2. Create a supply list for students. Then, include one extra classroom need on each list like Ziploc baggies (holds small manipulatives, can be used for science materials, holding reading activities, etc.), boxes of tissues (to be available for entire classroom use), etc.--things that the class may need throughout the year yet easily obtained by parents. This should not be extreme in cost, but such small donations really help to stretch the classroom budget. They should be suggestions---not requirements.
  3. Arrange, decorate, and make comfortable your space. Make your area a pleasant place to be. Don't forget that you'll be spending a quite of few hours there. This will be worth the extra effort.
  4. Organize while you have the time. Even if it means coming in a day early. Make sure you know where things are and that you have a place for everything. I used empty computer paper boxes (from the school supplies---about the same size as file boxes). I put unit materials together along with the teaching notebook I had made for each unit into the box. Throughout the year when I came across additional ideas for teaching a certain topic, I opened the lid labeled for that unit and dropped it in on top. The next time I used the unit, I filed all new materials where they belonged in the unit files.
  5. Look for timesaving strategies that will help you. For instance, don't reinvent the wheel---look for what you need on the Internet. Below are some things that will help you in that search! Have a good year! --Ginny

Ginny's Long List of Places to Find Free Teaching Resources

Ginny's Educational WebPages: http://www.geocities.com/ginnyks

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Reproduction of multiple copies requires permission from editor@teachers.net.
